Tallahassee man shot himself in the abdomen Wednesday night while playing with a gun. As soon as Wallace Harris recovers, Tallahassee police say they will seek a warrant for his arrest on a charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
"He was playing with a .22-caliber revolver, spinning it like the cowboys do, when it went off," said Officer David McCranie, spokesman for the Tallahassee Police Department.Harris, 53, was rushed to the hospital for his injury, McCranie said. The gunshot wound required surgery but wasn't life-threatening.It happened about 6:45 p.m. in the 200 block of Tropicare Street.Police later discovered that Harris is a convicted felon and that he has an extensive criminal history in Leon County dating back to 1989. Several charges were for weapons offenses.
"Thank goodness no one else is injured," McCranie said. "It could have been a very serious situation."
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