Cops & Bloggers

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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Looking for answers, Casey Anthony's father bought gun

The father of accused child killer Casey Anthony sobbed on the witness stand on Wednesday as he testified that he bought a gun in August 2008 and planned to force his daughter's friends at gunpoint to tell him what happened to his then-missing granddaughter.George Anthony, called back to the witness stand by the defense, also said he tried to commit suicide in January 2009, a month after 2-year-old Caylee's skeletal remains were found."It just felt like the right time to go and be with Caylee," he told jurors in the sixth week of the highly publicized first-degree murder trial in Orlando.Prosecutors...

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

On The Run In Amsterdam

Our cabbie pointed out a canal bridge as we trundled through the narrow streets of Amsterdam."Under there," he said, "they used to put prisoners in cells and leave them to be eaten by rats."The nine British fugitives the cops are hunting in Holland will be spared that fate, but the Dutch police don't mess about.They gave us some footage which shows the arrest of a British robber suspect a few months ago and it shows a paramiltary squad storming the guy's hideout with machine guns.That's just after they've blown his door in with explosives.Amsterdam may be on its way to becoming the new Costa del...

Monday, 27 June 2011

Stewart "Specky" Boyd, who is suspected of ordering the deaths of at least nine people.

Boyd, 40, died in a suspicious car fireball smash with five other people in Marbella, Spain, in 2003 when the Audi TT he was driving crashed with a BMW being driven in the opposite direction.The mobster had flooded the south side of Glasgow with heroin and is believed to have been forging links with the Russian mafia based on the Costa del Sol prior to his death.MacKintosh said: "Stewart was a pal of mine. I liked him and got on well with him, despite what people say and how things turned out."He was one of the gamest guys I ever knew. He never had any fear."He was a clever guy, quite likeable,...

Monday, 20 June 2011

Inside the mind of a teen killer is a scary place.

That's according to researcher and speaker Phil Chalmers, who has interviewed more than 200 teens who look just like their peers, yet each has caused the death of another human being.Chalmers was one of three presenters at a recent two-day seminar for law enforcement and educators that focused on teen killers, school shootings and preparedness.Teen murders peaked in 1993, when 3,800 juveniles were arrested for homicide. Today, about 1,800 teens kill every year, said Chalmers, noting the trend is not new. The first teen murder recorded dates to 1786, when a 12-year-old Connecticut girl killed a...

The death of a policeman gunned down during an armed robbery won't affect the Gold Coast's chances of hosting the 2018 Commonwealth Games

The death of a policeman gunned down during an armed robbery won't affect the Gold Coast's chances of hosting the 2018 Commonwealth Games, the evaluating committee says.The Evaluation Commission (EC) of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) arrived on Queensland's tourist strip on Monday.EC members will check details supplied in the bid, from the ability of state and federal bodies to provide the required level of security, to the quality of the Gold Coast's air and water, its existing and future event facilities, accommodation, transport and even food.Advertisement: Story continues belowBut...

Druggist Vinoda Kudchadkar collapses after arriving at his store to find four people slain by this savage killer, who was caught on surveillance

coldblooded robber fatally gunned down two terrified customers and two employees at a Long Island mom-and-pop drugstore yesterday in a chilling morning bloodbath.The gaunt, glowering gunman stole prescription drugs from the pharmacy and then fled on foot toting a backpack, surveillance video shows.He was still at large early this morning."This is a vicious, horrible crime," said Suffolk County Chief of Detectives Dominick Varrone. "Right now, our primary interest is apprehending the individual . . . involved."Mercilessly gunned down in the shocking siege were Haven Pharmacy druggist Raymond Ferguson,...

Saturday, 11 June 2011

UK is creating a National Crime Agency, similar to the American FBI.

UK is creating a National Crime Agency, similar to the American FBI. The new service will be coordinating the work of police and other law-enforcement organizations. British agents will start their work by dealing with the Internet.Ordinary constables used to fight against organized crime and terrorism in the UK. Now this will be the responsibility of agents. British Home Secretary Theresa May has declared that the special agency being established in the country will stand above the police and other departments responsible for the country’s security.At the first stage the agency will face three...

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

'Psychic' call sparks huge police hunt

Texas authorities are investigating a report from a ‘psychic' who claimed up to 30 bodies, including children, were buried in a mass grave at a rural home east of Houston — but no corpses were found.Police launched a search operation in Hardin after a caller to the Sheriff's office, claiming to be psychic, said scores of bodies had been buried at a house.Texas Rangers arrived on Tuesday with a search warrant to allow authorities to search the home where the woman had claimed was a mass grave of dismembered bodies.Liberty County Sheriff's Captain Rex Evans said authorities have a name and number...

'Open-and-shut case': Alleged thief hides in suitcase

man in Spain allegedly stuffed himself into a suitcase in order to steal valuables from other passengers' luggage on an airport shuttle bus, the BBC reports.On Friday, a bus company employee noticed a passenger struggling to put a heavy suitcase into the luggage hold and notified authorities. The shuttle service had previously alerted police to a string of thefts aboard its buses.Police officers noticed the suspicious suitcase was warm, so they opened it. Inside, they found the alleged thief doubled up like a contortionist and dripping with sweat. The man was also found with a head lamp,...

Raids on film provider in Germany, France and Spain

Police carried out coordinated raids in Germany, France and Spain Wednesday in connection with a probe into an Internet film provider suspected of breaching copyright rules, German authorities said.Police investigating the German-language company, used by four million customers daily, raided some 20 premises in Germany, the prosecutor's office in Dresden, southeastern Germany, said.Thirteen people have been detained and one is still being sought, the statement said. It did not specify where the arrests had taken place.The firm, which streams films over the Internet, is suspected of being...

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Chinese student who murdered a woman to try to cover up a road accident has been executed

Chinese student who murdered a woman to try to cover up a road accident has been executed, say state media.Yao Jiaxin, 21, was put to death in Xian, Shaanxi province in northern China on Tuesday.Yao is said to have stabbed 26-year-old mother Zhang Miao to death, fearing she would pursue him for compensation after he hit her with his car last October.The case - called "odious" by the Supreme Court - sparked a debate about the morality of young people.It caused renewed hand-wringing about the morals of the so-called "rich second generation" - the offspring of those who have prospered with China's...

Gangster sport goes mainstream in South Africa

The white BMW appears to float across the asphalt as it does a 360-degree turn, its steel ballet incongruous with the acrid smell of smoking tyres and the lunatic snarl of the engine.The car skids perilously close to the crowd of spectators clustered behind the wall of old tyres encircling the arena.But these fans of "spinning" - an illicit urban motor sport practised on the streets of South Africa's townships - greet what looks like a near-death experience with wild applause."Check out the distance! Brother, that was inch-perfect!" says an enraptured spectator after the driver, 25-year-old Sunesh...

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Police arrest MacBook thief caught on camera by victim

Joshua Kaufman's MacBook was stolen, he pursued the thief who took it by using the "Hidden" software he had installed on the laptop. It allowed him to check in and capture snapshots of the guy in possession of the computer, using the built-in iSight camera. Kaufman created a blog with pictures of the man in various states of undress and activity as he used the MacBook. It took more than two months, but Tuesday, the Oakland police finally arrested the suspected thief, a limo driver who they tricked into picking them up.As Kaufman explains on Tumblr in "This Guy Has My MacBook," the laptop was taken...

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