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Saturday, 16 October 2010

objective is to keep them (students) safe

Educational officials in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas authorized schools in the Gulf port of Tampico to end classes early amid growing gangland violence in the city, the municipal education chief said Thursday.“The objective is to keep them (students) safe,” Lorena Vazquez told reporters.She said the early dismissal policy will apply to at least 40 elementary schools in Tampico, where a score of people have died in Tampico over the past two weeks in shootouts, chases and murders-for-hire related to organized crime.An ongoing turf war between the Gulf drug cartel and former allies...

Sean Connery and Micheline Roquebrune’ fight in the Goldfinger case

Sean Connery and Micheline Roquebrune’ fight in the Goldfinger case, the Costa del Sol development deal of Casa Malibu, has taken an unlikely turn. Sean Connery is now ignoring summons to appear, claiming he is too old to travel. Yet, as the Telegraph reports, Sean Connery was not too old in June to fly to the Edinburgh Film Festival (and even dance for the cameras during a news briefing), and he was not too old to fly to New York in April.The couple have been ordered to appear in a case dubbed...

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Crown Currency Exchange collapses

Crown Currency Exchange collapsesRunning: The BBC track down BensteadWe hate to say "told you so" but we're not surprised Peter Benstead's currency trading has ended in tears.Last year we revealed how his Dream Island TV Productions was charging a £29.75 upfront fee to audition reality TV wannabes and, although the fee was later dropped, we can find no evidence of the show actually being made.We've also reported that a ludicrous 0% commission deal for Benstead's Travel Money ­Services to provide currency exchange for Manchester United fans was scrapped.Now another of his firms, Crown Currency...

Gang of seven violent British bank robbers arrested in Alicante

Gang of seven violent British bank robbers arrested in Alicante: "National Police have arrested seven members of a British gang of robbers who specialised in taking money from bank cash dispensing machines. They made their violent attacks on staff as they were refilling the machines, either attacking with large hammers from the street or inside. The thefts rarely lasted more than a minute in total.The police first arrested two men who were caught ‘in fraganti’ when attacking a bank branch in Benissa, Alicante, and five more were arrested shortly afterwards at a petrol station at Torrente when...

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Bulgarian-born Dimitrov threaten to cut off the ears ,Eurasian syndicates target car dealers, credit cards in Las Vegas

Eurasian syndicates target car dealers, credit cards in Las Vegas - News - "FBI agents knew from the moment they began investigating Dimitar Dimitrov that he was not a typical criminal.In secretly recorded conversations, they overheard the Bulgarian-born Dimitrov threaten to cut off the ears of a former associate and use them as cigarette holders. He also suggested tying a witness to a tree, pouring gasoline over him and then standing nearby with cigarettes and a lighter.Agents believe Dimitrov, a 58-year-old felon, is one of the leaders of a Bulgarian crime ring that defrauded...

Friday, 1 October 2010

Death penalty ordered for killer of two in Harbor Gateway -

Death penalty ordered for killer of two in Harbor Gateway - "Los Angeles jury ordered the death penalty Monday for a 22-year-old Latino gang member convicted in the hate-crime killing of a 14-year-old black girl and the stabbing death of a potential witness in the Harbor Gateway area.Jonathan Fajardo, who was 18 at the time of the killings, nonchalantly looked around the courtroom as the verdict was read. The jury found that he should receive death for his first-degree murder convictions for the slayings of Cheryl Green and Christopher Ash.Fajardo was eligible for the death penalty...

Gang member convicted of murdering DePaul student :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Gang member convicted of murdering DePaul student :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime: "22-year-old gang member was convicted Tuesday of murdering DePaul University student Francisco “Frankie” Valencia outside a Halloween party in Logan Square last year. “Without Berly Valladares, this tragedy wouldn’t have happened,” Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Mark Shlifka said in his closing arguments. Valladares also was convicted of aggravated battery with a firearm for the shooting of Valencia’s girlfriend Daisy Camacho, who was also wounded in the gangway outside the party in the 1700 block...

Gang member gets 20 to 40 years for Pittston homicide - News - Citizens Voice

Gang member gets 20 to 40 years for Pittston homicide - News - Citizens Voice: "robbery that turned deadly landed Sinard Ballard 20 to 40 years in prison, punishment for the Philadelphia gang member who arranged the botched crime from a jail phone.Luzerne County Senior Judge Chester B. Muroski levied the sentence upon Ballard on Tuesday, the culmination of a July plea agreement in which Ballard pleaded guilty to third-degree homicide and robbery in connection with the October 2007 fatal shooting of 19-year-old John Johnson.While in jail on drug and weapons possession charges, Ballard arranged...

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